Lack of data quality within digital engineering
Where are the data quality issues within digital engineering? We clarify that in this article
The AI Marketplace
The AI marketplace is concerned with the question of whether engineering IT standards are usable for a AI.
Clous at the DIGITAL FUTUREongress
Clous is represented at the DIGITAL FUTUREongress this year.
We are once again represented at the German Mechanical Engineering Summit
Clous is again represented at the German Mechanical Engineering Summit. We are looking forward for your visit.
The team attended a design thinking workshop at HPI
We had the chance to participate in a two-day design thinking workshop at HPI through the MediaTech Hub Accelerator Babelsberg.
Clous x Indo German Startup Week 2021
Claas Blume and Thomas Vorsatz are represented with clous at the Indo German Startup Week 2021.
Clous at the 17th Digital Factory Congress
Claas Blume will present clous at the 17th Digialen Fabrik Congress on November 23, 2021
Made in Germany! The engineering performance makes the difference
Automated offer generation with clous technology
VDWF "11 o'clock hole" with Claas Blume
Claas Blume gives a talk at VDWF and the "11 o'clock hole".
Covid-19 as an opportunity for industrial companies
Claas Blume, CEO and co-founder of Clous on how to deal with the Covid 19 pandemic.
Clous is a member of the WBA Aachen
Clous is a member of the WBA Aachen and is supporting projects of this association.
Claas Blume will present at the Prostep Symposium 2020
Claas Blume will present clous at the Prostep Symposium 2020.
Clous, the new B2B platform of engineering?
By breaking down complex design tasks into many individual projects, clous becomes the solution to cost pressures in mechanical engineering.